A Manifesto for the Wye

Making Our River A Top Priority in the Herefordshire Local Elections: A Manifesto for the Wye

Herefordshire Council has a key role to play in reversing the river’s decline. We have created this Manifesto for the Wye to help make the health of our river a top priority in the local elections. Ask your candidate to pledge support for the following programme of action because, if elected, all councillors must act urgently to save the Wye.

Prevent More Damage

  1. No approval of new or expansion of existing intensive poultry units (IPUs)
  2. No approval for centralised Anaerobic Digesters (ADs)
  3. Develop a full cost-benefit analysis of the county’s intensive poultry industry
  4. Hold egg and poultry processors to account for damage done to the local economy

Create Conditions For Change

  1. Embed river-friendly farming in the Local Plan and Economic Development work
  2. Make river-friendly food a priority in all areas of council policy including procurement
  3. Drive rural regeneration initiatives that enable farmers to diversify away from intensive poultry

Drive The Process

  1. Support the renewal of the Nutrient Management Board, ensuring it has proper powers and resources
  2. Fight for significant extra funding for the Wye catchment from the Welsh and English Governments
  3. Lobby the Welsh and English Governments for a River Wye Water Protection Zone

For more information, or if you would like a copy of the Manifesto, you can download our short ‘briefing document’ below.